Why Should I Waterproof My Home?
Waterproofing is the application of a sealant to make a structure waterproof. It is important to waterproof your home as buildings and furniture are actually prone to water damage.
There are many benefits to waterproofing.
Prevent Mould
Waterproofing can prevent unwanted moisture from seeping into our homes. For countries with high humidity like Singapore, waterproofing is important. Although it does not rain regularly, our homes can be damaged because of humidity. By waterproofing our homes and preventing seepage, we are also preventing mould from growing. Mould has adverse effects on our health.
Balconies, kitchens and toilets are very vulnerable to liquid penetration.
In kitchens, we often use water to cook and do the washing of dishes. It is a place that is constantly exposed to water which can seep into cracks and joints on the floor and cabinets. This extended exposure to seepage is absorbed by the concrete which will slowly degrade the concrete.
Toilets are extensively exposed to water. It is not surprising that it is highly prone to water seepages.
Seepages can lead to structural damages to the building and mould.
Property Value
Water damages can weaken the structure of the building can reduce the value of the property. However, this is easily avoided by waterproofing your home.
For humid countries like Singapore, moisture will find its way into our wall and ceilings. This can lead to growth of mould and mildew as mentioned earlier. Mould and mildew creates spores which get projected into the air. When we breathe in spores, they will travel into our lungs and cause health problems to our friends and family who are staying with us. Waterproofing our homes can keep our family away from such risks.
Which Part Of My Home Should I Waterproof
There are many areas in our homes that could benefit with some waterproofing. Some common areas where waterproofing is useful at are:
Building Basements: Building Basements are prone to seepage of water as the basement is usually in contact with the surface of the Earth. Waterproofing is applied to prevent seepage and damages to the structural integrity of the building.
Kitchen/Toilets/Bathroom: As mentioned earlier, kitchens, toilets and bathrooms are continually exposed to water and are thus more prone to seepage. Applying waterproofing to these locations can help to avoid seepage from occurring.
Balcony: Balcony waterproofing is important as it gets wet easily during rainy seasons. Some people also wash their clothes or even bicycles on their balcony. Balconies are thus prone to water damage. In such cases, waterproofing would be useful to avoid such damages.
Roof/Terrace: Roofs and terraces are exposed to rain and are prone to seepages as well.
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