Seven Tips For Planting Your Lawn.

Having chosen the space and the species of grass, the next step is planting. But don’t worry, by following these steps, you will be able to carry out planting with ease.

  1. Prepare The Soil: Using a rake, remove all debris, stones, rest of works, rest of wood. The cleaner the terrain, the stronger and more beautiful your lawn will grow. Tip: In this step, make the terrain as homogeneous and flat as possible.
  2. Accommodate The Soil: Using a hand mixer, beat the soil, not too hard, so that it is fully compacted, just enough to prevent the soil from loosening, favoring the appearance of holes.
  3. Fertilization: For a lawn fed during the four seasons of the year, it is essential to carry out fertilization periodically. A complete and balanced fertilizer developed to replace all the nutrients that the plants in your garden need and remove from the soil.

Every 120 days, fertilize with a haul of 100g to 150g of fertilizer per m² of lawn, and water the lawn immediately so that the product is quickly absorbed by the soil, avoiding the burning of the leaves.

  1. Place The Grass Boards: Place the grass boards on the ground, one by one, side by side. Tip: Do not wet the boards or the lawnmower before placing it on the ground. This can cause them to “break.”
  2. Accommodate The Grass Plates: Using a hand mixer, accommodate the grass plates in the soil so that the roots are in total contact with the soil. Thus, they develop in the best way.

Tip:  There is no need to assemble the boards as if they were a puzzle, as the grass will expand as it germinates.

  1. Grouting Of The Grass: To help in the rooting of this lawn, fill in the gaps or spaces left between the plates with a rake to remove all the excess. Tip: It is essential to water daily for this lawn to root very well.
  2. After Rooting, Fertilize The Lawn: About 30 to 45 days later, with the rooting of this already developed lawn, fertilize and water it immediately. Use from 100g to 150g per m² of lawn. Tip: To have a green lawn, repeat this fertilization every 3 or 4 months.

Have you already chosen the space of your backyard that will gain a green lawn in a few months? In addition to enhancing your property, a beautiful lawn plays an important role in decorating the outdoor spaces that we love to be so much and professionals like earth development commercial landscaping.

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